Price setting
Price setting is a sophisticated science involving plotting of accurate price elasticity curve, computation of cross-elasticity effects and definition of standardised discounting rules.
Price setting generally requires five steps:
Step 1: Evaluation of data/information availability and bridging of data gaps
Step 2: Definition of segments/groups and overall granularity level at which price needs to be set
Step 3: Application of analytics to compute price elasticity or price acceptance
Step 4: Optimisation of price to maximise sales or contribution margin
Step 5: Definition of discounting rules and guardrails for sales team
To help businesses optimise price, Pricing Stratz possesses the in-depth know-how to:
Bridge any data/information gaps
Apply basic and advanced analytics to optimise price
Test the new price(s) with real customers and/or prospects
Case Studies
Contact Information
We are based in Dubai with clients in the US, Canada, UK and France