Pricing research
Pricing research is conducted to -
Bridge information gaps: sparse or incomplete transaction/POS data
Explore the unknown: stress test price acceptance, pricing for new feature, new product and/or newmarket
Predict future willingness to pay: and not historical WTP
Pricing Stratz possesses the in-depth expertise across the entire range of pricing research methods. For each project involving research, Pricing Stratz tailors an approach based on a mix of the following methods depending on the sector, product/service, context and objectives to derive pragmatic value-based pricing strategy with predictable impact on volume, sales and/or margin -
Qualitative research including in-depth interviews and focus groups
Conjoint analysis including Menu-Based Choice Modelling (MBC)
Van Westendorp Analysis
Gabor-Granger Analysis
Brand-Price Trade-Off (BPTO)
Monadic Price Test
In-market Price Test
Case Studies
Contact Information
We are based in Dubai with clients in the US, Canada, UK and France